A Heartfelt Thank You

Every single donation we receive fills our hearts with gratitude. Your generosity truly makes a world of difference, allowing us to continue providing vital care to our furry friends. 

In recent weeks, we've been overwhelmed by the kindness of our community. The donations of food and wood-based litter, along with the ongoing support of our monthly donors, have been a lifeline for us. These regular contributions ensure that every cat in our care receives the nourishment and comfort they deserve.

We want to extend our deepest thanks to everyone who has contributed, from our dedicated adopters to our loyal supporters. Your unwavering commitment to our cause fills us with hope and inspires us to do even more for our feline companions.

A special mention goes to Hodge the Cat and his wonderful staff, whose thoughtful gesture to suggest donations for us at the recent ’Stories of Cats’ event touched our hearts. 

Pictured here are some such donations along with delighted foster cat Poppy who thoroughly enjoyed inspecting (but sadly not eating) the donations as we sorted through them. It did not surprise us that we needed to dig out some bags to transport items amongst our fostering network; the box was otherwise occupied!

If you'd like to donate click here and please keep sharing our adoption appeals. Together, we can continue making a positive difference in the lives of cats in need.
