A #Pawsitivepic To Help Get You Through the Pandemic

We may be biased in this area, but in our opinion, there's no better way to spread happiness than with pictures of cats!

stray cat rescued by catcuddles

That's why we'll regularly be sharing a #pawsitivepic (or pics!) every few days, highlighting the most uplifting aspects of our work with cats. Perhaps these pictures will bring a moment's respite to someone going through a difficult time, as so many are right now.

Here's the first: Bagpuss, mentioned in a recent post, is a cat who has been living as an unneutered stray for a number of years and as a result, had accumulated a long list of injuries and conditions. Thanks to top-quality treatment at our vet however, he recently recovered enough to have his cone removed. Here he is enjoying having the freedom to move his head!

Soon we'll be able to treat more cats like Bagpuss at our up-and-coming North London vet clinic - read more here; https://bit.ly/3bDouIS.
