Fundraiser Update: Eggy is on the Mend At Last

After we shared the good news about our recent successful fundraising appeal for Eggy and other veterinary expenses, we've received some requests for a more detailed update on his health. Since this seemed a lovely way to end the year, we thought we'd oblige!

Eggy Stray Cat CatCuddles

Eggy is still poorly, and it will take him many weeks to heal, but he has made significant progress during his time with us.

When he first arrived, he was listless, too weak or too depressed to leave his carrier, so one of the first signs for our volunteers that he was on the road to the recovery was finding him on the upper level of his suite one morning - meaning he was not only up and moving, but jumping!

Antibiotics, parasite treatment and good food have no doubt contributed to Eggy's increase in energy. He has been eating heartily, though being so underweight has had some trouble digesting his food, with finding his litter tray and bouts of diarrhoea. We hope at his vet check next week, we will find that he has added some weight on his skinny frame, and that his body will soon become more acustomed to regular meals.

You may recall that among the most shocking aspects of Eggy's condition were his ears. Due to parasites and allergies causing unbearable itching, Eggy had scratched his ears until they were torn to pieces; they were amass with open wounds, some of which were infected. Though this is an issue that will take many months to fully resolve, healing has already begun; the wounds have begun to scab, and antibiotics, daily cleaning and ear drops are clearing the infection. Most postive of all is that the itching, so awful that it drove Eggy to mutilate himself, has stopped. This must be a tremendous relief.

Eggy will soon be neutered as the more active he becomes, the more he exhbits the behaviour of a typical in-tact male. There's some speculation that he is partially sighted, which may be one of the reasons he struggled so much on the streets - in addition to having cat flu - but how a young cat can be in such appalling condition is still somewhat of a mystery, so he will be tested for FIV, FeLV and other conditions.

We are hopeful that this just the beginning for Eggy, that 2019 will be the year Eggy gets to be like any other young cat -healthy, active, and cherised, in a loving adoptive home.